Wedding themes - Green

Wedding themes - Green

Green is the color of growing grass, leaves and emeralds and most commonly associated with nature, youth, spring and hope.


In China green is the symbol of fertility and the most important color in Islam as well. For the ancient Egyptians, green had very positive associations,showing the close connection to vegetation, vigor and growth. Surveys also show that green is the color most associated with the calm, the agreeable, and tolerance. If you choose green as base color for your wedding party you can combine with warm flower colours like pink and rose. Be careful with tones, if you apply vivid green just combine with pink and pastel colour fits to dark shades, however you might mix the different shades of green too and reach to very pure design. Green flowers are orchid, chrysanthemum, hydrangea. Green fruits are the apple, grape, lime, kiwi, and vegetables are cucumber, zucchini, avocado, spinach and brokkoli.




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