Apparently Ramson is called bear’s garlic in Latin. After the bears hibernate all winter their bodies are full of waste and are very toxic. One of the first things they do when they crawl out of their den is to find a patch of Ramsons, or wild garlic, and eat their fill. This sweetens their stomach and cleans out their digestive tract.
Ramsons and health benefits
The plant leaves are high in vitamin C and also contain vitamins A and the minerals, manganese, copper, iron, magnesium and traces of selenium. The leaves also contain adenosine which is believed to play a key role in regulating high blood pressure and tachycardia.
Ramsons and folk medicine
This herb is a great blood purifier. Throughout history the plant has been used as a spring tonic to cleanse the blood and boost the immune system, as it is believed to work to boost the functioning of the internal organs. The plant has been used for asthma and emphysema sufferers as well as in cases of bronchitis.
Ramsons and dietary
The juice is said to be good for weight loss, and its mild action can be a counter irritant if applied to places where you have rheumatic pains. It increases the blood circulation locally and does ease pain in arthritic joints. It will help to overcome herpes, eczema, scrofula, and even rheumatism. It will purge cholesterol and plaque out of the blood veins and helps to increase the flow of blood to all parts of the body. This will help to even help the memory.
Ramsons and allergy
Wild Garlic leaves can be easily confused with those of Lily of the Valley and Lords and Ladies, both of which are toxic, so be sure of your identification. A good means of positively identifying Wild Garlic is to rub the leaves between your fingers, which should produce a garlic-like smell.
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Ramsons and foods
Ramsons fit to an an omelette or frittata or woven into a plate of buttery scrambled eggs. Soothing spring risottos flavour the wild leaf and it makes an excellent pesto. In a soup it is an excellent foil for a host of other fresh, green ingredients.
Ramsons and garden
The plant has antifungal and antiviral actions and has been used in the past as household disinfectant - the juice from the plant is good for this, although you still have to deal with the odour. The plant itself is useful in gardens as it repels insects and burrowing moles.
Ramsons and presence
It is a native to Western and Central Europe and parts of Asia. Early in the spring in damp woods you will find dense patches of ramsons. The name Ramson (Allium Ursinum) which is the plant’s English name gives rise to some confusion as there is a plant called rampion, which is not a relation to this one, moreover in the US there is a plant locally called ramps which is a relative of this, but they are not the same plant called wild onion.
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