Fall and Xmas reward sticker - Free printables

Fall and Xmas reward sticker - Free printables

70 pcs Reward Sticker set with Fall and Xmas illustration for kids are a great way of praising children for good work or behavior.

We provide all kinds of kids reward stickers from early learning stickers to school merit stickers or teacher stickers. Reward younger students with these motivational stickers if they behave well in class. The little ones work extra hard when they know they are getting stickers as they simply love getting one! Find more reward sticker collection with images of different theme.  



  • Self adhesive printer paper and white paper
  • Printer
  • Scissors
  • Container (envelop)


  • Print the sheet with the stickers and charts
  • Cut out the stickers around the lines
  • Distribute the charts, fill the name or give a personal sign for preschoolers 
  • Reward the children with one piece of sticker once they perferm well
  • They can practise the counting on the charts, how many stickers they have or missing to fulfill the empty places

Note: these free printables are under copyright, created by ck-creativekitchen.com, design by vecteezy.com. Usage only for personal and educational purpose!

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Reward Sticker - Fall

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reward sticker for kids fall


Reward Sticker - Xmas

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reward sticker for kids xmas


Reward Sticker - Chart

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rewards sticker chart




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