Easy walnut brownies

Easy walnut brownies
  • 2 Piece egg
  • 8 Table spoon (tbsp) sugar
  • 7 Table spoon (tbsp) oil
  • 7 Table spoon (tbsp) milk
  • 9 Table spoon (tbsp) flour
  • 4 Table spoon (tbsp) cocoa powder
  • 2 Table spoon (tbsp) walnut
  • 1 Peck salt

season: Whenever

occasion: 4Family

origin: International



This is an easy brownie recipe made with cocoa powder. First beat the eggs with sugar than add cocoa powder, milk and oil. Mix well with a blender and finally add the flour as well. Grease with oil a 25x30 cm pan, and strew with roughly squieezed walnut the bottom of the pan. Than mould the brownie into the pan and bake it for 10-20 minutes on 180 C degree. Let it cool and slice it. Serve with jam, or grease the top with melted chocolate or bestrew with icing sugar, the variation unlimited.

Conversion equivalents

Officially, a US Cup is equal to 240 ml or
8 fluid ounces ½ pint or 16 tablespoon.
1 cup of
fluid onces
Fluid - water & milk 240 8.0
Butter 226 8.0
All purpose flour 125 4.4
Confectioners sugar 125 4.4
Cocoa powder 118 4.2
White sugar granulated 200 7.1
Honey, Syrup 340 12.0
Vegetable oil 218 7.7
Table salt 273 9.6
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