Yogurt dip with dill

Yogurt dip with dill
  • 1 Cup yogurt
  • 2 Table spoon (tbsp) sour cream
  • 1 Tea spoon (tsp) salt
  • 3 Table spoon (tbsp) dill chopped
  • 2 Piece garlic cloves chopped
  • 2 Piece carrot
  • 2 Piece spring onions
  • 2 Piece fresh cucumber
  • 2 Piece paprika

season: Summer

occasion: 4Family, 4Holidays

origin: International




Summer dips are healthy alternatives for dinner, not least easy to prepare and fresh vegetables are available from your market. Chop dill and garlic, mix with yogurt and sour cream. Set aside to refrogerator at least for 20-30 minutes, the flavor will mellow and cold temperature increase the intensity of fresh dill and garlic.


Slice the vegetables for each size and serve on a plates. No need to salt the vegetables as the yogurt contains some salt. You can use other herbs or vegetables like celery, zucchini, kohlrabi, cherry tomato.

Conversion equivalents

Officially, a US Cup is equal to 240 ml or
8 fluid ounces ½ pint or 16 tablespoon.
1 cup of
fluid onces
Fluid - water & milk 240 8.0
Butter 226 8.0
All purpose flour 125 4.4
Confectioners sugar 125 4.4
Cocoa powder 118 4.2
White sugar granulated 200 7.1
Honey, Syrup 340 12.0
Vegetable oil 218 7.7
Table salt 273 9.6
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