Smoked duck and pork terrine

Smoked duck and pork terrine
  • 50 Dekagram (dkg) minced pork shoulter (30% fat content)
  • 30 Dekagram (dkg) smoked duck breast
  • 1 Tea spoon (tsp) thyme
  • 1 Tea spoon (tsp) salt
  • 1 Tea spoon (tsp) grounded pepper
  • 1 Piece finely chopped onion
  • 2 Piece finely chopped garlic cloves
  • 3 Peck grounded caraway seed
  • 1 Table spoon (tbsp) finely chopped parsley
  • 20 Dekagram (dkg) sliced bacon

season: Whenever

occasion: 4Holidays, 4Gift

origin: Traditional (National&Religious)



Terrines like this smoked duck look difficult, but they're actually not much harder than making a meatloaf. If you've got a way to grind meat (in a food processor, in a meat grinder, or even by chopping with a sharp knife), you're in business. This country-style terrine is rustic and rich. Here I used thyme flavoured duck breast which was smoked at home, however you can use fresh duck too.
Grind the smoked duck breast in a food processor and mix with finely chopped onion, garlic, minced pork and spices in a medium sized bowl. Using a loaf tin (9 by 5-inch - 23 by 13cm) layer with thinly sliced bacon. Pack the terrine mixture into the pan, try to press the air and cover the top with bacon as well. Place on a baking tray, cover with alu foil or baking paper and bake for 3 hours on 120-150 C degree. Remove from the oven, allow to cool in the tin with cooking juice. Remove from the tin, foil and serve in 1cm thick slices with fresh bread, pickles or fig jam as you prefer.

Conversion equivalents

Officially, a US Cup is equal to 240 ml or
8 fluid ounces ½ pint or 16 tablespoon.
1 cup of
fluid onces
Fluid - water & milk 240 8.0
Butter 226 8.0
All purpose flour 125 4.4
Confectioners sugar 125 4.4
Cocoa powder 118 4.2
White sugar granulated 200 7.1
Honey, Syrup 340 12.0
Vegetable oil 218 7.7
Table salt 273 9.6
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