Roszti potato

Roszti potato
  • 1 Kilogram (kg) potato
  • 1 Piece onion
  • 10 Dekagram (dkg) bacon
  • 2 Table spoon (tbsp) olive oil
  • 5 Dekagram (dkg) butter
  • 2 Piece garlic cloves
  • 1 Tea spoon (tsp) salt
  • 2 Peck black pepper

season: Whenever

occasion: 4Family

origin: Traditional (National&Religious)



Who keeps diets and don't want to eat caloric food, shouldn't taste this, because this food is quite rich in bacon and carbohydrate. Roast the bacon, chopped onion and garlic on oil. In a bowl add the grated potato, salt, pepper and this roasted bacon-onion and mix them. Form cakes and fry it on heated butter in a frying pan. Carefully turn round with a baking spoon and fry on the other side as well. One side takes approx 8 minutes. We used to eat as a side dish to roast meats with pickles or fresh green lettuce.

Conversion equivalents

Officially, a US Cup is equal to 240 ml or
8 fluid ounces ½ pint or 16 tablespoon.
1 cup of
fluid onces
Fluid - water & milk 240 8.0
Butter 226 8.0
All purpose flour 125 4.4
Confectioners sugar 125 4.4
Cocoa powder 118 4.2
White sugar granulated 200 7.1
Honey, Syrup 340 12.0
Vegetable oil 218 7.7
Table salt 273 9.6
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