Meatloaf stuffed with hard boiled egg

Meatloaf stuffed with hard boiled egg

There is something festive about slicing into meatloaf on a party and seeing that sunny yolk. This meatloaf takes more time to assemble than the traditional meatloaf, but it is will worth it.

I love to prepare it on Holiday seasons like Christmas and Easter because it can prepared earlier and if you like just serve as cold as starter too. I you make more next day it can be a perfect topping on sandwish. This spectacular meatloaf can fit your Holiday menu anyway.

This is a traditional Hungarian recipe because of added sweet paprika powder and garlic but you can add other spices which are used to add to favorite meatloaf. Traditionaly we make the meatloaf from pork but if you want use beef or turkey. I think the pork is the best becuse of fat content which is about 20-30%. If you like other type of meat than pork just add grease to the grounded meat receiving more juiciy meatloaf.

Follow the ingredients and method below. The baking time takes about 1.5 half hours and I didn't use thermometer because easy to ascertain about meatloaf is well baked by using a knife. You should pierce a knife into the meatloaf and if some cooking liquid sprinkle from the roulade you have to bake a little bit more. When the knife remains dry, the meat is baked. 


meatloaf stuffed with egg


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